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Monday, June 17, 2024

The editorial from Thursday's paper is disappointing at best. First, we have tried every outlet of support starting with the administration. After our first meeting with President Bernie Machen, we heard his concerns and took them to heart.

We amended our original proposal for a Socially Responsible Investment Advisory Committee to reflect the administration's concerns and presented what we thought was a compromise to the Board of Trustees in November 2007. Instead of voicing new concerns or engaging in dialogue that could lead to negotiation, the administration's reply was, "Thanks for your passion, we like our policy as it stands."

After the student referendum, we presented the results to the Board at another 5-minute public appearance. The presentation took about 2 minutes, and we asked that the remaining time to be used for them to voice concerns or propose amendments. Their reply? "Thank you for your passion, we like our policy as it stands." In an e-mail to the Board, we asked again for them to engage in direct dialogue so we could move forward together.

All we got was, "Thank you for your passion, we like our policy as it stands." All the while, we've been reaching out to parts of the Student Body where Students for a Democratic Society has never stepped foot. We've ventured into Greek houses like Delta Delta Delta, joined forces with mainstream organizations like Gators for a Sustainable Campus, reached out to the Faculty Union and Faculty Senate, and made headway in Student Government. We've spoken with President Ryan Moseley, President-elect Kevin Reilly, Senate President Kellie Dale and this coming Tuesday, we are presenting to the Senate a resolution co-sponsored by the Sustainability Committee in support of SRI, which we expect to pass with a wide majority.

In spite of all these efforts, the administration refuses to treat us like equals. And as long as we are nothing more than a group to be appeased in 5-minute intervals, we refuse to leave any avenue of change off the table - whether it be the PowerPoint or the hunger strike.

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