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Sunday, June 16, 2024

While a typical study abroad trip may include basking in the Australian sun, UF's latest overseas offering will take students even further down under.

In an announcement released by the university Monday, the College of Health and Human Performance invited students to apply for the opportunity to spend nearly two weeks studying in Antarctica. Combined with an online course taken in the Fall 2009 semester, students will depart on the trip mid-December and earn six credits for their work. According to UF, the course of study will include history and marine and terrestrial biology as well as aspects of the continent's geology and climate.

The Editorial Board encourages you to apply for the program, as the initial details reveal a wealth of information about what should prove to be an amazing experience. What better than being able to immerse yourself among the many whales, penguins and orcas that call the region home? Sure you can go to Barcelona and party your ass off, but we're pretty sure that's hardly different from what goes on here in Gainesville.

If you have the ways and the means to attend UF's study abroad trip to Antarctica, we implore you to drop this newspaper, click off our Web site and apply right now. Not to get all sentimental with you, but the greatest memories of college will not stem from mindless lectures, but rather the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that expand your horizons and give you a greater semblance of the world's possibilities.

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