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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Steering clear of Los Angeles County might be in the best interests of sailors and truck drivers everywhere - at least for the first week of March.

A campaign by 15-year-old McKay Hatch has led to an upcoming proclamation from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors designating the first week of March as "No Cussing Week." While spewing expletives won't result in a ticket or even a slap on the wrist, Hatch hopes to raise awareness and encourage people to be more conscious of their word choices.

At least Hatch didn't take a page from a school in Canada where students faced suspension for being repeat cussing offenders.

Hatch's efforts to curb cursing are not limited to one week of the year as he formed the "No Cussing Club," which features a Web site, bright orange T-shirts and its very own theme song.

Available on YouTube, the music video for the song depicts Hatch and his entourage roaming the streets of Pasadena as they chide people for their inappropriate language.

The reverberating message? "If you wanna hang with us, I don't wanna hear ya cuss."

The Editorial Board applauds Hatch for his dedication to cleaning up the mouths of both children and adults alike across Southern California. His ideology is not about forcing people to stop swearing, but rather hoping that increased civility while communicating can help solve bigger problems.

Everyone from professors to students can afford to heed Hatch's message to create a community at UF where profanity is less commonplace.

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