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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Free from the risks of bone-crushing shark bites and devastating sunburns, the latest surfing sensation sweeping the world has less board and more couch.

According to an article on, the phenomenon of "couch surfing" allows for world travelers to provide each other a place to crash so long as they reciprocate for someone else in the future - all for free. Started as a non-profit, seeks to bring people from across the globe together to create a better understanding of different cultures.

For example, an American visiting Rome might stay in a spare bedroom for two months, or a Chinese man traveling to England could potentially sleep on the floor in a flat for one night.

Not only does the company help global jet setters connect with people around the world, they also work to ensure the safety of all parties involved. Billing their safety system as a "circle of trust," offers users piece of mind through their vouching and verification system. Under their system, individuals registered on the site can be vouched for by established members and can become verified by providing detailed personal information.

The Editorial Board thinks coach surfing is a wonderful opportunity for anyone and everyone to see the world and meet new people. What better way to immerse one's self in a foreign culture than staying with a local through couch surfing? For the student unable to afford a study abroad program, couch surfing offers a non-touristy alternative for a fraction of the price.

Excuse us while we go make plans for the summer.

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