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Sunday, June 16, 2024

From Bob Hope to Drew Carey, comedians have long graced America's troops with their presence to provide a brief respite from the banality of war.

The latest funny man to elicit a chuckle or two? None other than Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert.

While filming four episodes of his no-laugh-track-necessary hit show "The Colbert Report" in Iraq, the former presidential candidate pulled out all the stops overseas. Known for his incredible fashion sense while shooting in the States, Colbert still managed to stay fresh by rocking a suit - a dapper double-breasted do-up constructed entirely out of camouflage. Not only did Colbert blend in well with his outfit, he even traded in his more conservative haircut for one more akin to his audience.

During an interview with Gen. Ray Odierno, a mountain of a man standing 6 feet 5 inches tall, a video cut the conversation shot as President Barack Obama instructed Odierno to "cut that man's hair." Not one to disobey the orders of his commander-in-chief, the general quickly donned an electric razor to leave Colbert with a hairstyle that can only be describe as high and tight. Even Sen. John McCain got in on the action as he recorded a video of his own - encouraging troops to "take time to clean your muskets."

All tired gun jokes aside, Colbert's efforts in Iraq speak of a man truly humbled by the opportunity to share his craft with the ever-deserving American troops.

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