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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chalk it up to jealousy or downright lunacy, but much fuss has been made over President Barack Obama's weekend jaunt to the Big Apple with his wife.

And what exactly did they do, you ask?

Rub elbows with Jay-Z and Derek Jeter at the 40/40 Club? Dine like royalty on champagne and caviar at the Russian Tea Room? Maybe satiate a craving for beef with steaks as big as your face at Peter Luger's in Brooklyn? Hardly.

The First Couple feasted on locally grown cuisine at Blue Hill - a pricey but hardly jaw-dropping restaurant located in the West Village. Hell, Michelle even decided to order not one, but two martinis. After dinner, Barack and Michelle headed uptown to catch the play "Joe Turner's Come and Gone," which looks at black America in the early 1900s.

Let's put aside the recession or the fact that General Motors just filed for bankruptcy for a moment and realize Obama wasn't trying to do anything more than be a good husband.

Yes Hillary, they do exist.

With the campaign a distant memory and the transition to the not-always-so-friendly-confines of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. complete, Obama utilized an event-free weekend to take Michelle on a much overdue date. Simply put, a fancy but not over-the-top dinner and evening at the theater won't exactly make or break America's current financial situation. Americans shouldn't concern themselves over who footed the bill for the Obamas' date but rather celebrate a president who places a premium on keeping the spark in his marriage alive and well.

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