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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Someone really needs to tell a couple of schools the dos and don’ts of the education process.

The first thing to correct them on would be to stop permanently scarring the children at their schools.

There have been two recent cases of teachers or schools totally overstepping their boundaries when it comes to little boys’ hairstyles. 

An Ohio teacher and teacher’s aide are being sued after they put an 11-year-old boy’s long hair into ponytails.

But it doesn’t stop there. They also gave him a girl’s name and made him stand in front of the class (you know, so the other kids could make fun of him).

And all the school did was reprimand the teachers.

Likewise, a 4-year-old boy in Dallas, Texas, was separated from his classmates from November to early January because he chose to wear his hair long.

The school made him sit in the library in in-school suspension and only let him back in because his mom French braided his hair and pinned behind his head.

There are far more important things teachers and principals should be doing than measuring little boys’ hair — like preventing bullying (and not participating in it).

The Editorial Board would just like to tell these schools to back off and do their jobs.

Let the parents decide what is an acceptable ‘do and what isn’t.

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