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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Everyone has someone they’d love to bring down a notch. There’s always that guy in class who’s a little too smug in his answers, that coworker with her holier-than-thou attitude. 

Can’t someone wipe that self-satisfying grin off their faces?

That’s what Ricky Gervais did at the Golden Globes on Sunday night.

Hollywood doesn’t usually have to come face to face with its worst critics, but Gervais remedied that problem by establishing himself as a turncoat. After his performance, he’s decided not to host next year’s award show. Not that he’d be allowed to after joking about the celebrity elite in a completely unsurprising manner. Armed with the truth cloaked in comedy, Gervais in effect roasted Charlie Sheen, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp and others.

For some reason, Hollywood was appalled.

Any time someone enters the spotlight, voluntarily or not, he or she risks being commented on and ridiculed. Why should stars get preferential treatment?

Actors aren’t doctors or engineers — they’re entertainers. And it was certainly entertaining to watch the most pretentious people around taking their verbal licks. They shouldn’t stick their noses higher in the air; celebrities need to throw some dirt on the wounds and laugh them off, just like everyone else does.

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