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Monday, June 17, 2024

During the final seconds before the big moment, Mohit Pohani said he was nervous but confident.

Finally, the first gong sounded: show time.

As Pohani locked eyes with the stranger before him, he took a deep breath and performed the tactic he had rehearsed.

"I'm Mohit. Nice to meet you," said the UF microbiology senior.

Pohani was one of about 100 people who attended I RUB You, a Valentine's Day-themed speed-dating event at the Orange & Brew Wednesday night.

The Reitz Union Board, known as RUB, sponsored the event. The student group provides free public entertainment events nearly every weeknight.

The young men rotated seats around the room to have three-minute conversations with women seated at various stations.

Natalie Andres, RUB president and an advertising and English senior, made index cards listing questions such as, "Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend?" and "What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?" for contestants to use in the event of a conversation lull.

Between rounds, the ladies fixed their hair. Guys waiting to rotate in munched on pretzels and cookies in the corner.

Michelle Bowen, exercise physiology senior, and Paige Granger, tourism recreation and sport management junior, came to the event together.

They doubted they'd find love and came with intentions of just being each other's Valentines.

They left the same way.

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Andres said she thinks so many came because of the novelty of a speed-dating experience.

"It's something everyone has heard of but not many people have ever done," she said.

Freshmen Wesley Heim and C.D. Thornell came to the Orange & Brew on Wednesday night to eat Taco Bell and watch the Gators basketball game on a big screen behind the chatty speed daters.

Heim said he didn't expect such entertainment.

"Dude, look at that guy's body language," Thornell said to Heim about one participant. "He is so nervous."

Heim also noted that many attendees decided to have a beer during conversations.

"If I was doing this, I think I would need one too," he said.

At the end of the event, Pohani said his nerves calmed and he was glad he came.

"Everyone clicked," he said. "I met a person from Peru, a person from Gainesville and a person with my same major."

Valentines or not, Pohani said he left with some new friends, a study buddy and even a phone number.

Or two.

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