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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Rep. Kendrick Meek is serious about involving college students in his campaign for Senate.

The Democratic congressman, who represents Miami, will be at UF today and has already visited UF more than four times since announcing his candidacy. The campaign rally will be in the Reitz Union, Room 282 at 1 p.m.

Meek will speak about his vision for the economy and job market for Florida’s young college graduates.

Campaign spokesman Adam Sharon said students can meet Meek at the event and will have the opportunity to ask him questions on Florida issues.

The campaign needs students to collect petitions to put Meek on the ballot and to register new voters, Sharon said.

If he succeeds, Meek will be the first candidate for Senate to qualify for the ballot by petition in Florida.

Meek is leading the polls in the Democratic primary for Senate, and if he wins, he will face either Marco Rubio or Gov. Charlie Crist in the general election.

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