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Saturday, June 15, 2024

It’s the season of spring but the pool-day weather and laidback attitude on the UF campus says differently. Summer semester started and brought a fresh feeling from all-nighters, poor eating, drinking benders and all other poor college habits.

To the health community detoxing is a regular way to rid your body of toxins and promote healing throughout your internal system. Those not knowledgeable of what a detox or cleanse entails, are often skeptical and reject the idea. However, a few days of clean eating can do wonders for your body.

A detox simply requires clean, wholesome eating. Some choose a route of juicing – solely consuming raw pureed vegetables. Most detoxes can last for a few days to a month. With all cleansing, it is important to remember eat (and drink) often.

The key to completing a cleanse requires much preparation and determination. I like to purchase a list of varied vegetables for the coming week and clean and cut them in preparation for the following days. This allows you to take the thinking out of the equation when deciding what to eat when the time comes.

There are thousands of recipes, books, articles and sites wholly dedicated to detoxing. In reality, the process is quite simple. I like to cleanse with just raw vegetables. I exclude fruit, meats, grains, nuts, legumes and all processed foods. For me, my body requires a seven-day cleanse to feel fully rejuvenated. For many, seven days may seem too long to restrict yourself from most foods. Even a few days of eliminating sugar and processed foods will do your body good.

Sometimes, I may puree vegetables to ease my digestive system and give it a rest. I do not practice juice cleanses for more than a day though, because juice does not give your digestive system a chance to work. Eating roughage works your digestive system and, in consequence, improves the efficiency of this complex in your body.

It is equally important to stick to the cleanse as well as what you eat afterward. Don’t fall back in to poor eating habits. You just rid your body of toxins. Now is a great time to continue health-conscious eating. Integrate other whole foods back in your diet slowly. After three days of vegetables, I include fruits, nuts and seeds back in to my diet. All meals are still prepared raw.

After a weeklong cleanse, I reintroduce cooked foods back in to my diet. This includes quinoa, millet and buckwheat grains, some legumes and steamed vegetables. I still restrict my diet from meats, cheese, gluten grains and other processed foods. You can continue a vegan, gluten-free lifestyle for optimal health. I advise to reintroduce these foods back into your diet slowly and with minimal quantity. Many call them “feel good foods.” They taste good but have no nutritional value. Try eating 70 percent for fuel and 30 percent for pleasure. It’s a great way to have a balanced lifestyle and reap the benefits of a post-cleanse diet.

If your even considering a cleanse, it’s important to eliminate any alcohol consumption during the period. Even your vodka waters! Alcohol contains sugar and is counter-effective in healing and ridding your body of toxins.

Opt for whole, organic foods. These may be trendy in the food industry, but they’re great for a reason. Organic foods have more live nutrients. Much of the chemicals in fertilizer disturb the quality of nutrition. 

For the cleanse I usually buy:

-       Broccoli

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-       Asparagus

-       Spinach

-       Lettuce

-       Carrots

-       Arugula

-       Watercress

-       Green beans

-       Cucumber

-       Limes

-       Lemons

-       Avocado

-       Onions

-       Garlic

-       Ground chia seeds

-       Coconut water, preferred brands are Zita or Vita Coco water

-       Sodium-free vegetable broth

-       Herbal teas

-       Vegan, gluten-free plant-based protein shake. My favorite is Amazing Grass

I begin every morning with a glass of lukewarm, purified water and squeezed lemon. Even off the cleanse, always begin your day with water. Your body is most likely dehydrated from the eight hours.

My first meal is usually a juice. I often make chia pudding, which simply entails chia seeds in water stirred, giving it the pudding tendency.

If your away from home most of the day like me, prepare slices of cucumber and other vegetables you can carry with you. It’s also a good idea to Ziploc or purchase individually-packed protein powder. Earth Origins carries Amazing Grass single protein packets. Protein is vital for steadying your metabolism and keeps you feeling full.

Why do a cleanse? Sure you’ll lose a lot of water weight. However, you can’t eliminate substantial weight under a 6-week period. A cleanse will put you on the right track to eating healthy. It will help your body quicken in efficiency and speed up your metabolism. If you continue health-conscious eating, you will be on your way to a slimmer, more energized person. I inspire you to clean your body and your mind. Take the garbage from your fridge and your life. You will be a much happier, more fulfilled person as a result.

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