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Sunday, June 16, 2024

During my daily ritual of reading the Alligator, I came across something that sincerely disappointed me. At first glance, the number of candidates opting to run as independents this semester surprised me.

As a former senator, this seemed unusual.

However, upon further reading, I soon realized this could not be farther from the truth. It is my understanding the Student Alliance is misrepresenting its involvement with the upcoming election.

Additionally, the notion of an Independent Coalition of Students sounds very similar to an organized party.

During the course of my involvement I have always been guided by the principle that student leaders have the obligation to be forthright with the students they seek to represent.

We are bound by duty to serve our constituents with honesty and integrity.

While this principle seems to be lacking within certain elements of the campaign thus far, it is my sincere hope for the duration of the current campaign season that more noble inclinations prevail.

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