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Sunday, June 16, 2024

News of inflammatory graffiti on the side of a UF fraternity house has the Editorial Board dismayed by such thoughtless actions that only serve to oppress and spread ill will.

By drawing a swastika on AEPi's soon-to-open chapter house, the spineless individual responsible for the anti-Semitic action demonstrated behavior that embodies an archaic ideology utterly unacceptable in American society.

Whether the decision to spray a symbol of enmity stems from a disagreement between two fraternities or simply someone with a warped perception of the world, there is no situation in which one could justify this clear-cut example of malevolence.

Committing a hate crime puts a damper on the entire community, not just the group directly affected by such malicious behavior.

Gainesville and UF students alike pride themselves as a city and people that opens its arms to anyone and everyone - no better shown than by the recent city election.

The Editorial Board can't help but wonder why someone would risk fines and jail time just so that they could attempt to belittle a Jewish fraternity in the crudest fashion possible.

Yes, the swastika hurts and acts as a reminder of a trying history as a people, but we are confident that the men of AEPi will come together and emerge stronger as a result.

Actions such as these contradict what The Gator Nation stands for, and we urge law enforcement to make that known by charging any potential subject to the fullest extent of the law.

UF and Gainesville will not allow for acts of hate to go unnoticed in our own backyard.

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