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Sunday, June 16, 2024

An independent arbitrator has ruled that UF did not violate its contract with the faculty union when it increased the teaching load of Florence Babb, professor of women's studies at UF, according to

Babb, an endowed professor and graduate coordinator of UF's Center for Women's Studies and Gender Research, challenged the change to her schedule last April. An arbitration hearing was held in February.

According to Alligator archives, Babb received a letter in 2004 detailing the terms of her hire. It indicated she would teach one course per semester and would be given a research assistant.

Endowed faculty often have lighter teaching loads in order to focus on research.

In March, a letter from UF Provost Joe Glover informed her she would be teaching two classes per semester because of the state's financial difficulties and "severe" budget cuts at UF.

Her research assistant was taken away as well, according to Alligator archives.

John Biro, president of UF's chapter of the United Faculty of Florida, the faculty union, said the decision could diminish the confidence that faculty have in their agreements with UF.

Glover could not be reached by e-mail late Monday afternoon and Babb declined to comment. A copy of the arbitrator's decision could not be obtained on Monday from UF.

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