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Sunday, June 16, 2024

In times of economic strife, hunger pangs have more to do with love than an inability to afford daily delivery service from Pita Pit.

With businesses going bottoms-up quicker than dollar drafts at happy hour, the matchmaking industry has seen smooth sailing amid a treacherous current of financial uncertainty.

According to an article on, Americans have turned to companies such as LifeWorks Matchmaking, based in Ft. Lauderdale, in search of love when the latest financial figures show their portfolio plummeting to new depths.

For, there's little surprise behind the fact the company has enjoyed a 20 percent growth between Sept. 2008 and Jan. 2009 compared to the previous year. Simply put, it's easier to deal with uncertainty and lean times when you have someone else to offer you a distraction. With a few clicks of the mouse and a fabricated profile (complete with a particularly thin photo), would-be loners can find love thanks to an assist from the matchmaking industry.

The Editorial Board is glad to see that someone besides big box stores (yeah, you Wal-Mart) and McDonald's are managing to beat the odds with a profit margin in the black.

For now, we are blessed with feasting on the proverbial manna known as Midtown, but we'd like to think there is hope for us yet when we escape the bubble of college and enter the real world.

But who knows, perhaps the time will come when a pair of his and hers 40s (smuggled in from Georgia) and beef jerky sounds like one hell of a Friday evening.

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