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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Starting Sept. 1, the state of Vermont will legally recognize same-sex marriages, thanks to legislative action, rather than a court ruling.

Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas vetoed the bill addressing the subject, but support by the Senate and House of Representatives overrode his opinion on the matter.

While the margin of vote in the Senate was overwhelmingly in favor of the bill, roll-call in the House of Representatives proved to be a tenuous situation where a two-thirds margin was barely achieved.

The passage of the legislation marks a total of four states in the United States that protect same-sex marriage by law as Vermont joins the ranks of Massachusetts, Iowa and Connecticut.

News from Vermont may only be the start of a wave of states passing similar measures as New Jersey, Rhode Island and Maine continue to work to push bills dealing with same-sex marriage.

The Editorial Board applauds the Vermont state legislature for its open-minded approach to the same-sex marriage bill as well as for coming together in the wake of Douglas' veto.

Thanks to the newly minted legislation, members of the gay community in Vermont will be afforded the same legal rights enjoyed by those in a heterosexual marriage.

We can only hope the other states considering same-sex marriage bills of their own can look to a state like Vermont for guidance and direction.

While Tuesday's announcement may only directly affect the citizens of the state of Vermont, there is no discounting the notion that America has made yet another stride toward achieving equality for all.

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