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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Remember when Student Government first announced it wanted to charge students a fee to expand and improve the Reitz Union?

Well, the Editorial Board certainly remembers. Our inboxes were flooded with e-mails from students supporting it, hating it and having every possible opinion in between.

Well, today you get the chance to ask about everything you ever wanted to know involving the fee, the Retiz Union and the effect it will have on you.

That’s right folks, SG and the Independent Florida Alligator are co-sponsoring a town hall forum just for you at 4 p.m. in the Retiz Union Grand Ballroom.

So show up, learn a little more about what’s going on and ask Student Body President Jordan Johnson any questions you may have that could solidify or change your stance on the issue.

But your part doesn’t end there.

Last week, the Student Senate passed a bill that will put a referendum question on the spring election ballot asking if students support the fee.

During the fall election, only 8,483 students voted — out of 49,679.

That’s a whopping 17 percent, people.

We understand most of you could care less about SG elections and the only reason you even realize they’re going on is because you’re bombarded by fliers on Turlington Plaza.

But this fee will affect undergraduate students and graduate students alike, so there is no excuse for not voting and ensuring your opinion is heard on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24.

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