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Sunday, June 16, 2024

In light of “The Hills” star Heidi Pratt’s recent transformation from cute to creepy, The Editorial Board has one message: Slowly step away from the scalpel.

We know we gave her a DART last week for treating her body like a ’92 Chevy Cobalt on “Pimp My Ride,” but the poor girl is getting crazier by the day.

Tuesday night, Botox Barbie announced on “Nightline” that she’s giving her mom a generous gift for Mother’s Day: plastic surgery. Maybe she doesn’t understand; it doesn’t work like cute shoes you can give as a gift and then use yourself.

Pratt clearly has a dangerous obsession. After undergoing a total of more than 10 procedures, she’s already looking forward to an upgrade. Despite the fact that her plastic surgeon has cut her off (can we take a moment to marinate on that?), Heidi has said she plans to inflate her beach balls — er, breasts — to a size H “for Heidi.”

What she’s doing to herself is risky and disturbing. Sure, we’re disgusted by the fact that she looks like a taxidermic stick figure with small planets in her bra, and we don’t even want to think about what’s going to happen when the silicone starts shifting in 10 years.

But the scariest part is that it’s starting to look like she represents a significant portion of American women.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, U.S. surgical procedures have doubled since 1997.

We’re just hoping Heidi and her Frankenface aren’t a preview of what most of our generation will look like by age 30.

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