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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Editorial Board would like to offer a bit of advice for all of you aspiring politicians out there: Don’t make a sex tape, OK?

Now, this may seem like common sense, but this bit of advice never seemed to reach former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards.

News of a sex tape starring his former mistress — you know, the mother of the kid he’s been denying paternity of for the past two years — came out last week.

And now that we’re thinking about it, the Editorial Board would like to extend its advice to everyone.

It is never a good idea to make a sex tape — never.

Because it’ll always come back and haunt you.

Don’t believe us? Ask any of the Kardashian sisters, Verne Troyer (more commonly known as Mini Me) or even scary female wrestler Chyna.

The Disney Channel’s Vanessa Hudgens even fell victim to this — well, sort of — when she had naked pictures posted on the Internet.

She almost got kicked off the cast of “High School Musical.” Can we all please take a moment to think about how sad that would have been?

We get it — celebrities usually end up more famous than before, but we’re sick and tired of you making these poor decisions and then being surprised or upset when the tape inevitably ends up on the Internet.

So why don’t all of you invest in some ceiling mirrors and put the camcorder away?

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