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Monday, June 17, 2024

Tunes like "Marching Off to War" and "Helter Skelter" will escape from the confines of Common Grounds and into the humid summer night one final time this Friday.

Gainesville crowd-pleaser Morningbell will take the stage for the last time at the venue after returning home from a west coast tour. The Shitty Beatles and Devon Stuart's new band, Snakehealers, will also be playing.

The show provided a good opportunity for both The Shitty Beatles and Morningbell to each play a set.

"We knew we just had to do both," Eric Atria, bassist for the two bands, said.

Morningbell will be firing on all cylinders to send Common Grounds off right. Atria said the band always sounds tighter after a tour since they've been playing so consistently.

Over the years, they've played at Common Grounds around 30 times. Seven or eight of those shows have sold out the venue, which has a capacity of 350-400.

"That's our home base," Atria said.

Many great memories for the band have occurred within Common Grounds as the group established a solid relationship with the venue. Atria's favorite show he played there was a sold-out homecoming show after a tour.

Recent UF graduate Tyler Francischine is planning on making the three-hour drive back to Gainesville to attend the concert.

"Morningbell is my favorite Gainesville band, and I've seen them at Common Grounds at least a dozen times over the past four years," Francischine said. "I want to be a part of their last show there."

She lived about four blocks from the venue her senior year and said she always expected it to be there, especially since it has been a great way for UF students to see a variety of artists.

UF senior and The Boswellians singer Amy Lobasso is also planning on attending the farewell show. The bands are her friends, and she enjoys supporting local music.

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Lobasso, who frequents Common Grounds, said she thinks a lot of people will also come out in support since it is The Shitty Beatles and Morningbell's final time playing there.

"It's going to be a sad moment, this occasion," she said.

While the show may be bittersweet, Morningbell and The Shitty Beatles will be sure to "come together" to celebrate their great times at Common Grounds.

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