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Monday, June 17, 2024

Imperial stouts, Belgian strong darks, holiday releases make good winter beers

It's finally here — that blast of artic air that lingers for more than just one chilly night. Mother Nature may have tempted us before, but there's no denying that with North Face jackets popping up around campus and Mariah Carey on the radio that the holiday season is quickly approaching.

So, what's a beer lover to drink when the temperatures start to dip? It's time to trade in those pale ales for something a bit heavier — though last time I was at Swamp Head it still had its blond ale on tap, and I didn't mind a taste of summer.

Here's our quick guide to winter styles to pick up next time you go on a beer run.

Imperial stouts

This style is usually dark brown to black in color, but don't write it off just because of the hue. Imperials are full-bodied and have a rich, malty sweetness. You can expect a high alcohol content and roasted and dried fruit flavors.

Stay local and try Swamp Head Brewery's Catherine's Inspiration, a Russian Imperial Stout, or Catherine's Wood, a Russian Imperial Stout aged in whiskey barrels.

Belgian strong darks

This style's high alcohol content can hide behind a variety of flavors, with ingredients ranging from chocolate to raisins to caramel. Just like regular Belgian styles, it has an easy drinkability and a complex palate. Belgian Strong Darks are traditionally brewed by monks who use brewing techniques that have changed very little over the centuries.

To sample this style, try Dogfish Head's Raison D'etre, a deeply toasted caramel malt.

Special holiday releases

Then there are the brews that serious beer drinkers anticipate all year — the holiday seasonals. These are just what you would imagine when you hear the term "Christmas beer" — a bottle packed with flavors reminiscent of delicate desserts, eggnog and holiday spices. Pick up a pack of Schlafly Christmas Ale for an industry favorite, or Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale if you're a hop-head.

If you're new to craft beer and want to sample a variety of winter styles, pick up a case of Samuel Adam's Winter Variety Pack. The pack includes the Holiday Porter, Old Fezziwig, Cranberry Lambic, and the White Ale among others.

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What's your favorite style of winter beer? Let me know in the comment section below or tweet me what you're drinking this season.

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