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Monday, June 17, 2024

Bring on the beer: drinking resolutions for spring

<p>February's cold weather is the perfect opportunity to try out strong beer styles.&nbsp;</p>

February's cold weather is the perfect opportunity to try out strong beer styles. 

Now that the month of failed resolutions is behind us (come on, you knew that gym kick wasn't going to last past your first organic chemistry exam), we can focus on what's really going to make this semester great: beer.

Beer can offer us so much: a hobby, an escape, a history lesson. You can challenge yourself through promotions like Stubbies & Steins Offender Program (drink 100 different beers in a year) or get educated on different styles through a beer club like Salty Dog Saloon's Globetrotter Club (Drink one bottle of beer from each country on the menu, totaling 30 beers). Don't accept drinking the same ol' brews, decide what you want to get out of beer this semester, and go for it!

Here's what's on my list:

1. Drink stronger beer.

February's cold weather is the perfect opportunity to try out strong beer styles. With the criteria of anything above 8 percent alcohol by volume, this can include styles ranging from dark abbey ales to strong English blondes.

If you think your stomach can put up a good fight, start off with an imperial stout, a Russian stout or an old ale.

2. Expand my beer education.

Talking with the experts, the brewers, the regulars. What beers are they drinking or looking forward to? What makes for the best beer education? Expect to see more video interviews, tastings and opportunities to learn more about not only beer flavors and styles but also the process of making it and the people behind each bottle.

3. Learn the art of pairing beer.

This is mostly to help in my attempt to convert my wine-drinking friends over to the brew side. Everything goes down easier once you add food to the equation.

I also want to experiment more with adding beer to recipes. Beer can add a new taste to dishes like chili, shrimp and even baked goods like cupcakes. It can take several attempts to find the best match, but that's a challenge I'll be happy to take.

4. Road trip to a brewery.

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From Tampa to Atlanta to New Orleans, I plan on making a few trips around the Southeast to visit famous breweries like Cigar City Brewing, Abita Brewing Company and SweetWater Brewing Company. Who wouldn't appreciate seeing the behind-the-scenes process of making their favorite beer?

What are some of your beer resolutions? Let me know in the comments below or tweet me @Beer_4Breakfast.

Posts in Beer for Breakfast appear on Fridays.

February's cold weather is the perfect opportunity to try out strong beer styles. 

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