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Saturday, June 15, 2024

New public service announcements released by several local agencies to combat sexual assault

Two short public service announcements (male and female versions) were released Wednesday encouraging students to intervene during an alcohol-related sexual assault attempt.

Maureen Miller, director of GatorWell Health Promotions, said the videos were created by Gainesville Police, GatorWell, University Police, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, Santa Fe College, the Alachua County Victim Services & Rape Crisis Center and the Student Health Care Center.

The two videos were in the works for more than a year and are now circulating via social media.

The take-home message from the videos is to have students feel like they can do something if they see sexual assault, Miller said.

“If you just look at a situation and something just doesn’t look right, you can step in and help out a fellow person,” she said.

Lynne Benck, captain of the investigations bureau, said the beginning of every semester, especially Fall, is when there is an increase in the number of reported sexual assaults.

“In the last two weeks we have probably had three or four open cases that are related to alcohol-facilitated sexual assault,” she said.

Andrea Pedata, a UF 21-year-old criminology and anthropology junior said, she’s been in that situation before.

“I would’ve rather had someone step in for me and act like my best friend and take me somewhere,” she said.

Benck said one night should not end up changing someone’s life.

“You guys are one Student Body, so watch out for each other and try to prevent sexual assault by just being aware of your surroundings,” she said.

A version of this story ran on page 5 on 9/13/2013 under the headline "PSAs warn of alcohol-related assaults"

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