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Saturday, June 15, 2024

UF celebrates, remembers trans community

This week, UF students will celebrate the transgender community while remembering those who lost their lives due to hate crimes.

UF’s Pride Student Union is hosting "Trans Week: Trans in Motion" until Friday, which is Transgender Day of Remembrance. The week of activities is aimed at starting a discussion about the diversity of the struggles the trans community is going through, said Damian Gonzalez, co-president of Pride Student Union.

"We wanted to make sure there was a full week of events to talk about the issues facing trans people, not just here at UF but on a national level," the UF journalism and political science senior said. "They are the most marginalized and disenfranchised members in our community."

Gonzalez, 21, said trans issues aren’t getting the attention they deserve. Instead, the public is focusing on other LGBTQ+ topics, like marriage equality.

This week’s theme is "Trans in Motion," said Carolyna Guillen, internal vice president of Pride Student Union.

"The trans community is fluid," the 20-year-old UF microbiology and cell science junior said. "It’s constantly changing and evolving."

On Thursday, Pride Student Union will hold a vigil at UF Levin of Law College to remember those who lost their lives to trans violence.

On Friday, the group will hold interactive activities on the Plaza of the Americas.

Eli Mender, 24, said he is helping plan the week’s events.

"It’s like remembering the dead and celebrating the living," the LGBT Affairs intern and second-year UF sociology graduate student said.


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Tuesday, 7 p.m., Ustler Hall



Trans Mental Health

Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Little Hall,

Room 219



Transgender Day of Remembrance

Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Law School,

Holland, Room 285B



Transgender Day of Remembrance

Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Plaza of the Americas

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