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Monday, June 17, 2024

Buying some pancake mix from the store seems like a timesaving move, but if you have to blend in the wet ingredients anyway, why not save a few dollars and make your own? 

You’ll skip out on preservatives and control the amount of salt and sugar added.



Here's a basic recipe for pancake batter:

  • *Mix a cup of flour with a few tablespoons of sugar, two teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of salt.
  • *Add in a cup of milk.
  • *Beat an egg and add it to the mixture.
  • *Top it all off with a little bit of vegetable oil. Stir everything together until the batter becomes smooth.
  • *Heat up a pan over a burner on medium power. Pour the batter into the pan, keeping in mind it will expand as it cooks, especially if you stirred it enough to produce bubbles.


While the general recipe is simple, remember that you can change it to suit your needs. If you want sweeter pancakes, you can add a little more sugar or chocolate chips into the batter.

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Also remember you don’t have to make sweet pancakes; I’ve even made some that taste like pizza by removing the sugar and adding some tomato sauce and Italian seasonings to the batter! I top them off with mozzarella cheese for a yummy treat.

Potato pancakes also make for a savory variation. For my lightning fast variety, use a vegetable peeler to slice some potatoes into strips, and stick the strips together via a beaten egg mixed with a little flour. Cook the cakes in some olive oil on medium heat, and you have a side dish ready to go.

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