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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Alfredo Kiernan’s cycling accident with a pedestrian on Stadium Road should remind us that we all share our spaces.

Whether we are cyclists, pedestrians or motorists, we all become obstacles and threats when we don’t follow the law or we act in non-predictable ways. This accident could have been avoided if the pedestrian had walked in the  crosswalk. 

Coming down the hill on Stadium Road, I have a hard time stopping suddenly when the stray pedestrian hops off the sidewalk without looking. On my clumsy, slow hybrid, I’d be

lucky to hit 20 miles per hour. A cyclist wouldn’t be able to stop at all. So, I ride defensively. When a pedestrian steps out into the crosswalk, I have to anticipate where that pedestrian will be when I get there. Should I continue straight, slow down if possible, or veer? I have to assume the pedestrian will continue to walk. We all need to move predictably and deliberately. Cars need to signal turns and stop before intersections, not over crosswalks. Cyclists need to ride in the proper bike lanes and watch for errant pedestrians. Pedestrians need to look and continue walking when they step into the road.  If you stop like a deer in headlights, you might end up as road kill. No one wants that. We all just want to get to home, work, school or lunch safe and happy.

Editor's note: This letter refers to this article.

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