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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Student Government and local officials made over 700 sandwiches for Gainesville’s homeless residents Monday afternoon.

The event was the start of SG’s annual Civic Engagement Week, said Jason Richards, the SG external affairs director. The week is a way for SG to get students involved with Gainesville’s local government and the upcoming elections.

Students, student senators and city officials including Mayor Lauren Poe stood at long tables in the Reitz Union Breezeway, making peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches. The sandwiches were sent to Grace Marketplace, St. Francis House and Bread of the Mighty Food Bank.

“It was a perfect way that students can learn about the civic engagement part of local government,” Richards said.

By 5 p.m., the group had made 704 sandwiches, Richards said. The event was for students to meet their local officials while helping the Gainesville community.

All of the food was donated by the Inter-Residence Hall Association and Earth Fare grocery store, he said.

Amber Donald, a UF biology freshman, said she heard an announcement for the event and wanted to help.

“I just had the time,” the 18-year-old said. “Nothing to lose; it’s helping someone.”

Poe said the event was a way to get UF students involved with the Gainesville community and learn more about local elected officials.

“They see we’re city residents just like them,” he said. “But we’re also not afraid to ask for help and to ask students to get involved with the community.”

Other Events during Civic Engagement Week

  • Tuesday: Panel on Preeminence and State of the Campus Address in the University Auditorium. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the event starts at 6 p.m.
  • Thursday: Civic Engagement Fair at the North Lawn entrance to the Reitz Union from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Friday: The All-American Rejects perform for a “Rock the Vote” concert on Flavet Field at 7:30 p.m.
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