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Sunday, June 16, 2024

You've got to love the cowardice that comes with increased technology. We know we do.

Humans invented the bow and arrow so they could hunt and fight from a safe distance, rather than risk their lives at point-blank range.

Later, a telephone call became a less-than-suitable substitute for a face-to-face breakup. Text messaging and e-mails have served to further reduce the testicular fortitude of would-be relationship enders.

In keeping with this yellow-bellied tradition, has developed an e-card system that lets you inform sexual partners that you might have given them something itchy and swollen.

If we received an e-card that said, "I got screwed while screwing, you might have too - get checked for STDs if you haven't recently," our heads would probably explode out of pure fury.

It would be bad enough to get the news in person that our downstairs had gotten mixed up, but to send an e-card is the most spineless method we've ever heard of. Have some pride, and be creative if you're going to wimp out.

Send us a singing telegram to explain the raspberry patch on our undercarriages - at least we'd have someone to punch in the face.

We understand it's better to keep people informed by any means necessary, but while these e-cards may help curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, we think the increase in random acts of violence would cancel out the e-cards' positive impact.

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