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Sunday, June 02, 2024

UF students may be wary of the Bright Futures bill, but incoming UF students should be furious.

With no plan for students with an exploratory major or for those who change their majors, this insufficient proposal is hardly a good idea. UF, or any university for that matter, should never try to mainstream students into fields of need.

It should be a safe haven for students to take the time to identify who they really are and what it is they really want to do in life.

Whether that turns out to be writing or studying statistics, the cost of the education remains the same.

Because of this equal cost of education, adding extra funding to favored majors while cutting the funding by twice as much for others is not the answer.

To top it all off, Ring tries to smooth things over with, "That's still a pretty good deal." Anyone that has been accepted into this university understands that the current deal is far better than a "pretty good deal." For that reason, Ring's comment is only an insult, not compensation.

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