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Monday, June 17, 2024

Ok, I promised that I would do the do’s and don’ts of Facebook when it comes to jobs this week, but this event is just too big to remain inconspicuous and even I can’t stay away from it.

The biggest social networking site of all time, Facebook, has turned six!

Yes, that’s right, with over 400 millions friends, you can be sure that it would have been one hell of a party had Mark Zuckerberg decided to invite all those members to celebrate the intensely popular social networking Web site's birthday.

As of Feb. 2009, Facebook had approximately about 175 million members, and now with more than double that number of members in just a year’s time, there is no limit as to the potential of this social networking giant. Guess what Facebook gifted itself for its sixth birthday? – A brand new face lift

Before you go, “Oh no, I cannot learn to navigate my way through this again,” let me tell you that there is always the option of sticking to the old Facebook, but when did the members of this site ever kept their voices down? A “Change Facebook Back to Normal" page has over 1.7 million fans as of now!

The things that Facebook has achieved are so vast and so diverse that they cannot be summed up in this blog. It has become a universal platform for people to express their opinions, to start new campaigns and movements, to share their feelings, to take a stand, to find new friends and remember the old ones and above all, to share a part of their lives with others they consider friends and family.

Every single day, you can be assured to see Facebook in the news for reasons both good and bad. Controversies are not new to it and neither are the praises that are mounted on it. Once in a while there comes a medium that changes the thought process and life style of an entire generation and Facebook certainly does classify as one.

There is nothing or no one who is not affected by the social networking medium. Every sphere of life has undergone some kind of transformation thanks to Facebook. Like every powerful thing in the world, it is possible to use it for spreading both love and hate, both peace and war. It is up to our generation, the first one to ever use and popularize this medium to lead the way.

For all the haters out there, I just have one thing to say- Love it, Hate it, you cannot ignore it. With that, let’s raise a toast to Facebook. Here’s to many more!

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