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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Clinic offeres free services in west Gainesville

Gainesville residents can get more than a book at a local library Monday evenings.

Operating out of a bus parked at the Tower Road Branch Library, 3020 SW 75th St., more than 15 volunteer students and physicians treated patients without health insurance at the Mobile Clinic.

The clinic can serve up to six patients a night but has only served three or four patients a night.

Patients first meet with undergraduate students, who help them create a Google Health profile.

The profile gives patients a virtual way to carry their health records to any doctor’s office or hospital.

Medical students then treat the patients, under the supervision of a volunteer physician, in an exam room on the bus.

Ada Roberts, 51, works as a janitor, cleaning the library after it closes. She is uninsured and was visiting the clinic for the second time on Monday night.

The free clinic will continue every Monday night.

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