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Monday, June 17, 2024

Bravo to Daniel Rood for his thought-provoking column in Wednesday's Alligator, "Remember the 5th of November." Dan has certainly captured the pulse of the patriotic movement in our nation at this time. I gasp when I think of what could happen in the near future if our constitutional rights are not restored soon. The Bush/Obama/Federal Reserve takeover of our country has been swift and decisive. I believe the revolution to come will be decisive, as well.

I agree with Rood when he talks of the exodus from both the Democratic and Republican parties. A few months ago, after many painful months of deliberation, I decided it was time to leave the Republican Party, which I had worked for and loved for many years.

I left some good friends in that party, but I knew it was time to work for the country and the Constitution. Now, many of my democratic friends are leaving the Democratic Party. Many, like me, are going Libertarian. Now is the time to work for real hope and change.

Thank you Dan for your patriotic reminder.

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