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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Week by week, one by one, Hollywood regulars like Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, Audrina Patridge and Michael Bolton faced a tough reality: Not everyone makes it on the “Dancing with the Stars” parquet.

And now that the competition is down to the final three — Jennifer Grey, Kyle Massey and Bristol Palin — the mirror-ball trophy is looking shinier than ever.

But on the other side of the TV screen, another competition is just heating up.

Basketball season just kicked off, and if you’ve clamored courtside at a Gators game, you know it’s not easy keeping your eyes on the ball at all times. That’s because the basketball team has some serious competition — and we’re not just talking about their gameday opponents. Cue the Dazzlers: the 20-girl squad that one-ups the guys they’re cheering on with their every shake, shimmy and shout.

The Dazzlers show off their routines and amaze crowds at the men’s and women’s basketball games every season.

When they aren’t at the basketball games, they're attending community service events, bringing extra spirit to gymnastics meets, performing at the Homecoming game each year and, well, being college students.

Want to know what it’s like to dance with the Dazzlers? The Avenue caught up with three members of the squad to learn more about what it takes to dazzle — on and off the court.

Christie Garcia, 20

Do you watch the show “Dancing with the Stars” for inspiration?

I actually canceled my cable this year, but I had watched it before. I’m more of a “So You Think You Can Dance” fan.

I enjoy watching it because we do a very specific style of dance and that show is a whole other world and a whole other performance aspect. A lot of the dances aren’t even that intricate, but I like watching them because they are performers and make the dances with their personalities.

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Who would be your dream dance partner?

Justin Timberlake, for sure, because I’ve watched him since *NSYNC.

What is your favorite part of being a Dazzler?

My favorite part is the fact that I’ve just made so many great friends and [enjoy] performing at the games with them.

Courtney Kennedy, 21

 Do you watch the show “Dancing with the Stars” for inspiration?

I used to. I watched a few seasons at the very beginning. I think that it opens a lot of people’s lives to the dancing world. I definitely relate to it — it shows the hard work we put in. Ballroom dancing and dancing in general doesn’t get the attention that football and basketball do, so it puts media spotlight on dancing, and that’s one of the main things that I love about it.

 What is your favorite part of being a Dazzler?

I think it’s definitely going out into the public and meeting people.We do a lot of pep rallies and charity events and get to meet a lot of fans. I’ve been on the team for four years, and it’s definitely touching every time you meet a fan and they say, “That was awesome,” or, “Thank you for what you do.”

Lauren Klein, 22

 Do you watch the show “Dancing with the Stars” for inspiration?

I like Julianne Hough, the girl that was on it a while ago, and now she’s in Proactiv commercials. I liked her, but that was a while ago.

 Who would be your dream dance partner?

Usher. He can dance really well.

 What is your favorite part of being a Dazzler?

Getting to do the community appearances and seeing the difference we make in a child’s face or someone that looks up to us and just realizing the opportunity we’ve been given by being a Dazzler.

 Do you do anything to pump up for events?

It’s usually something involving an energy drink and a lot of hairspray and makeup in the dressing room. We all have really funny stories throughout the day, and we spend so much time in the dressing room of the O’Connell Center, so that’s a bonding time for us.

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