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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Columns

Florida Alligator

"Terrible tyrant" packs powerful punch

This week Parade Magazine, that renowned paragon of investigative journalism, published a list of the top 10 "terrible tyrants" next to a full-page color ad for those mysterious Amish fireplaces.

Florida Alligator

U.S. needs to focus on solving problems

Ever since the end of the Cold War, political and historical experts alike have predicted a decline in American hegemonic status. Some of the nuttier experts, such as Russian scholar Igor Panarin, have even predicted a complete collapse of our union into four different republics. Longhorn fans will be pleased to know that Panarin predicts the Republic of Texas will be the biggest of the four new countries, incorporating even Florida.

Florida Alligator

Locals should vote to protect citizen rights

I received a bit of a gift in one of my classes last week, and I've been thanking the gods of absurdity ever since. On Monday, I had the pleasure of watching a debate on the proposed Charter Amendment 1. It was a slaughter and roused my latent political conscience.

Florida Alligator

America must shed two–party politics

I have a strong stomach. Only a handful of things consistently turn my stomach contents into a downtown sidewalk display: catching a ride post- or mid-drinkathon, all songs Nickelback and when, like, people, like, say "like" all the time. Other than those three things, I rarely get to taste my stomach acid.

Florida Alligator

Downturn extends beyond AIG, Madoff

As Americans fumble around in the dark in an attempt to make sense of the economic mess we've found ourselves in, the country is searching for culprits so we can put our minds at ease. Those currently in the spotlight are none other than Ponzi schemer extraordinaire Bernard Lawrence Madoff and "those guys" over at AIG.

Florida Alligator

Consumers jump the gun on firearms

In response to these depressing days of fiscal failure and the realization of the tenuous grip most people have on their homes and their jobs, Americans of every stripe seem to be clinging to their guns and blogs.

Florida Alligator

Funding education remains top concern for Fla. legislators

As many of you know, the legislature recently met in a special session to make significant cuts to the state's budget for the current fiscal year. This special session was called as a direct result of the economic downturn our nation, our state and our individual communities have all been experiencing. This downturn led to subsequent cuts to many programs, and it will definitely shape the policies we implement, as well as the final budget we pass during the upcoming regular session.

Florida Alligator

Comedy Central guilty of boasting bad acts

There have been a ton of hard-hitting items in the news lately: President Barack Obama has pushed forward stem-cell research, the chairman of the Republican National Committee announced that he's pro-choice and Jon Stewart nearly made Jim Cramer wet his pants. That's all well and good, but I want to talk about something that's really been on my mind. Sunday, Comedy Central roasted Daniel Lawrence Whitney - better known as Larry the Cable Guy - and I shed a tear for comedy.

Florida Alligator

Stewart puts Cramer in rightful place

Online news outlets apparently yanked their thesauruses out from beneath their beds last Thursday, labeling Jon Stewart's interview of CNBC's "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer with headlines such as "Stewart Eviscerates Cramer, CNBC," and "Jon Stewart Thrashes Jim Cramer."

Florida Alligator

Support Daily Emerald staff

On Wednesday morning, the entire editorial staff of the Daily Emerald - the student-produced newspaper at the University of Oregon - went on strike in protest of the attempts of its board of directors to install a publisher with unprecedented control over the newsroom.

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