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Monday, June 17, 2024

As a UF alumnus and current graduate student, I was angered at the news of the hiring of state Sen. Mike Haridopolos. That anger turned to rage as I read the "Inside UF" section with a little epithet from our friend Bernie about the looming budget crisis and $47 million shortfall expected next year. His plan for everyone else is to ask every college to make 6 percent "general" cuts to its departments, not "across-the-board reductions." However, he is personally taking action by drawing a $300,000 bonus for himself and overpaying an under-qualified professor to teach political science while he works on his Ph.D. part time.

Well, I'm working on my Ph.D. and doing research full time, so why am I only getting one-third the salary for twice the work? Maybe to up my value, I can take on a class called "BS2011: How to Ruin a State University" where I am assured quality internships with Bernie Machen and our state legislators.

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