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Sunday, June 16, 2024

With President Barack Obama's chances for re-election slipping like Leo from Kate's arms in "Titanic," the Editorial Board decided to examine potential candidates for the 2012 presidential election.

After a lengthy discussion behind closed doors that improved Gainesville's GDP by nearly 5 percent - thanks to our overload of SpinTom slices and rolls from Leo's - we came to a collective agreement on which White House hopeful we plan to endorse.

With her extensive international experience and sheer mastery of the English language, the Editorial Board proudly throws our full support behind Gov. Sarah Palin from the great state of Alaska for U.S. president in 2012. We see no better candidate that offers the combination of political prowess along with her youthful good looks. And have you seen her husband?


Not only does Palin have one kick-ass nickname (Barracuda, in case you've forgotten), just think of all the journalism students who will be able to take solace in the fact that they can run for president if they can't find a newspaper job.

Sure, Obama has only been on the job for 70-something days, but do you really think his performance is going to improve? All the man cares about is rubbing elbows with that fantastically chinned late-night TV host and flaunting his NCAA tournament bracket picks all over Damn, Barry, have you ever heard of the word "upset"?

Just think: only 1,390 days until moose stew makes its way onto the White House menu, and hockey becomes the national sport.

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