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Sunday, June 16, 2024

UF took its stance against sexual harassment to the Internet with the launch of a new Web site Tuesday.

The page provides students with information on sexual harassment myths and facts, what to do if a student is harassed and a free online training program for students, said Jaquie Resnick, senior adviser to the vice president of Student Affairs.

"We wanted students to have a centralized place where they could get information," she said. "We want students to know that they shouldn't have to tolerate anything that is disrespectful or intimidating or offensive."

Jessica Warshaver, a UF journalism student, believes that the page was created in response to recent sexual harassment cases on campus.

"The Web page seems like a formality type of thing," said Warshaver, referencing an incident last semester with a graduate student who allegedly groped more than 30 women by telling them that they had a bug on their bodies.

"I feel the university was covering its ass," she said.

Resnick, however, said that the Web page was not made in response to the groping incident but has been in the works since last summer.

The Web page can be accessed through the vice president of Student Affairs Web site at

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