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Sunday, June 02, 2024

Humans vs. Zombies adds more missions for students

UF students may see more zombies running around on the weekends.

UF’s Gators Humans vs. Zombies is adding a two-day weekend mission this Spring after players asked for more events, said Darby Guyn, the president of the club. The extra mission will be in addition to the club’s five-day main mission each semester.

They hope to have the two-day game once a semester, the 20-year-old UF wildlife conservation and ecology junior said.

During each mission, one student starts off as the main zombie and tries to turn humans into zombies by shooting them with a Nerf gun. Students can use the club’s blasters after registering and attending a rules meeting, said Leah Macha, a 19-year-old UF criminology, anthropology and sociology freshman.

Alex Pinchin, a UF digital arts and sciences senior, said he started playing his freshman year.

“I heard about it in high school, and it served as a good experience (in college) where I was able to make friends, learn from the game and have a lot of fun,” Pinchin said.

The 22-year-old said he hopes more students participate with the new two-day mission, even if it’s just for a little bit.

“I want more people to check it out and get rid of the misconception that you have to play the entire time,” Pinchin said. “Try it out — it’s fun.”

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