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Monday, June 17, 2024

Not your typical groups! – The craziest and most popular groups on Facebook

So, you can't stop joining random groups on Facebook? Trust me, you are not the only one.

Facebook has some of the weirdest, craziest and most popular groups about topics that are sure to raise eyebrows. What's the best part about many of these groups? - Well, most of us can actually relate to one or more of them. Don’t believe me? Read the list below and you are sure to find a match! (If not- well, you are one of those abnormally normal people)

I Flip My Pillow over to Get to The Cold Side - Ok, so how many of us have flipped pillow sides, to find a sweet spot that guarantees you a peaceful night’s sleep? Well, according to members of the group, 982,879 people own up to doing this.

People Who Always Have To Spell Their Names For Other People - It is “ S-w-a-p-n-a”, sure no problem I will repeat that again for you. This group is for people like me and several others, who have to spell, yell and tear off their heads in the process of making sure that the person on the other end can understand our names! On the last count, there were 540,602 members in this group.

When I was your age, Pluto was a planet- This group is dedicated to all the people who were taught in school, that Pluto was a planet. Considering that includes a majority of us, it is no wonder that this group has a whopping 1,837,026 members!

Six degrees of separation – One of the largest groups on Facebook, it basically aims to validate the Six Degrees of Separation theory that says that every person living on this planet is separated by only six other people. With a total of 5.98 million members and counting, this group is not far away from proving its point!

Alcohol Improves My Foreign Language- A group that is sure to be popular among college students, it makes fun and also embraces the fact that people can suddenly find themselves speaking a completely random second language after a few drinks!  Even though it has 170,439 members, I doubt if this group has reached its full potential.

If this group reaches 4,294,967,296 it might cause an integer overflow -  A group that might interest the techies, it relies on the hope that Fac book uses unsigned 32 bit integers for the representation of a group, so 2^32 = 4,294,967,29 will cause an integer overflow. It is currently only at 72, 084 members, so it has a ways to go. It only needs about two-thirds of the planet to join.

If a Million People Join this Group, Facebook Still Won't Give a Fuck- A group against all groups, this group comprising of 78,794 members seeks to contradict the opinion of people who believe that they can impact the world by joining a group on Facebook.

I don't care if it's 5 minutes or a whole night, I just want to see you- A group meant for people who have a special someone in their lives, its title says it all! On the last count, there were 2,037,833 fans in this mushy group!

Kids Who Hid In Clothing Racks While Their Parents Were Shopping- A group that revives childhood memories and pays tribute to a favorite activity among children- hiding in clothing racks!  With 9,529 members, there is a good population in the world (or at least Facebook) that did not enjoy shopping at all as kids.

I don’t care how stupid I look, I'm having fun unlike you!!!- A group that gets back at all the prim and oh-so-proper people, it advocates the message that having fun is more important than fussing about looks! With 531,442 fans, even I couldn’t agree more!

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Unlike 99.99% of the Facebook population, I was born in the 70s.- Finally a group that acknowledges senior citizens on Facebook! It has more than 186,863 “seventies babies” as the members of this group like to be called!

I Use my Cell Phone to See in the Dark- Almost everyone of us uses our cell phone to see in the dark at some point or the other, so it is no shock to see a 770,557 members in this one!

If you don't start walking faster, I am going to hit you with my backpack- With just 3,903 members, this group is not as popular yet, but it is about a topic that all college students can relate to- having to lag behind when you are getting late for class because of a person or group that share a similar walking style as a snail.

Physics Doesn’t Exist, It’s All Gnomes- This group is sure to make your Physics teacher cry and make your parents doubt if you really ever attended any class in college. With 76,555 members, one thing is for sure- Physics is definitely not for all of us!

These are some of the wild, crazy and popular groups that you can find on Facebook. After reading this, you can be assured that the strange habit of yours is not so strange anymore! There are thousands, if not millions of people who feel the same way. So, the next time you think you might be a freak, think again.

Note- All the member statistics are going to change by the time you read this, remember it's Facebook! Also, add to the fun and do let us know the craziest groups that you have ever joined on Facebook!


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