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Saturday, June 01, 2024

Rock on: Contestants to shred their air guitars for charity

As part of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, UF students and Gainesville residents will have a chance to rock out during the Gainesville’s Child Advocacy Center first local air guitar competition.

The Chords 4 Kids contest will take place Friday at High Dive, located at 210 SW Second Ave.

Margot Wilder, the center’s director of development, said the competition will consist of two rounds.

In the first round, contestants will perform 60 seconds of a song of their choice, she said. Top contestants will then move on to the second round, where judges will pick one surprise song for the contestants to perform.

The top guitar soloist will be awarded a cash prize, Wilder said.

In order to compete, contestants must be at least 18 years old. Anyone interested in participating can register online at For those who want to watch, advance tickets are $10 and will be $12 the night of the show, Wilder said.

Nick Camuccio, event co-chairman and a Marion County assistant state attorney who handles criminal cases against children, said the goal of the event is to raise money for the center, adding the event will be good for the Gainesville community.

“I really believe in their mission and what they do to help,” he said.

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