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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Columns

Florida Alligator

McCain needs to reinvent his image

The growing chants of "start the buses" resonate every time you pick up The New York Times, tune in to MSNBC or check out the latest poll numbers. Much like Clemson's football season, the McCain-Palin campaign is for all intents and purposes a lost cause.

Florida Alligator

Future relies on innovation

I am taking the final economics course for my major. I learned curves, graphs, labor and capital, and I have come to a truth about economics. It is incapable of quantifying human factors, such as fear, trust, greed and hope.

Florida Alligator

Issues of the Congo should mobilize students

College students pride themselves on being the most optimistic, innovative and take-action demographic in this country. Our generation in particular is said to be more committed to solving social injustices than any generation before us, but it seems as if college students have lost their giddy enthusiasm and unrelenting optimism.

Florida Alligator

Ayers’ actions undeserving of defense

In a Monday Alligator article, four UF professors and associate professors were mentioned as signing a statement backing Bill Ayers and opposing his "demonization." These four members of UF faculty should be ashamed of themselves, as well as the rest of the people nationwide who signed this disgusting document.

Florida Alligator

College degrees don’t mean anything

The college degree you're working so hard to get doesn't mean jack. Last week, I mentioned a professor at New Mexico University, Marcus Ross, a paleontologist who believes dinosaurs walked the earth more than 65 million years ago but is also a Young Earth creationist. Yeah, doctorates don't mean a damn thing anymore.

Florida Alligator

Halloween encourages poor decisions

In the 2004 comedy "Mean Girls," main character Cady put into words what everyone had been thinking for years: "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it."

Florida Alligator

Obama could escape Bradley Effect

On a November morning in 1982, California residents awoke to see a San Francisco Chronicle story about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Bradley with a headline boasting "Bradley Win Projected."

Florida Alligator

Republicans pulling out all stops to win

For those of you who haven't read it already, pick up a copy of George Orwell's "1984." It holds some remarkable insight into the workings of the mind of man when it comes to political and even religious allegiance. The two most important terms in there are "doublespeak" and "doublethink."

Florida Alligator

Everyone can learn something from SG

Nearly 10 years ago, the Alligator printed a guest column of mine about Student Government teaching me all I needed to know in life. It was my attempt to author a scathing indictment of the corruption and shortsighted nepotism of SG back in my days at UF.

Florida Alligator

‘Joe Six–Pack’ deserves more dignity than the Average Joe

Who is Joe Six-Pack? It's a question I've been mulling over ever since the term came up in last week's vice presidential debate. It's pretty clear what image the phrase is supposed to conjure up in the American psyche: He's the average Joe, the hardworking member of the middle class who kicks back with a beer after a long day of work.

Florida Alligator

Baby boomers the real ‘Me’ generation

It only took hours to work out the bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - a deal that increased the national debt by $5 trillion. You, me and our unborn children now owe the world's lenders our own little piece of a $14 trillion debt, give or take a couple hundred billion. Here is the kicker: We didn't borrow a dime.

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