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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Opinion | Columns


Plagiarism in Student Government, Part 2

Now I know I have mentioned Student Body President Michael Murphy’s borderline plagiarized inaugural speech in my last couple of columns, but I feel like I should probably do my due diligence and write about other instances of plagiarism that have happened in the past.

Photo by Jonathan Cosens - JCP on Unsplash

Media is growing, and we’re growing apart

The idea of binging shows and the culture around streaming consumption has become harder to understand. They spread as more people come out to speak their hearts and minds in written, spoken or visually recorded means. Streaming platforms like Netflix, YouTube Premium and Hulu, in addition to regular cable TV, are oversaturating the public. This new, vast generation of streaming sites makes it hard to find those shows that bring us together.

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

The curly hair revolution is here

All my childhood, I wanted pinstraight hair. The hair that grows out of my head is the exact opposite, curly like the corkscrew you use to open a bottle of wine. It’s hard for me to remember one classmate growing up who had curly hair. There was no one to share the trials and tribulations of having a hair type that requires half a bottle of conditioner. In high school, I abused my curls via over-shampooing, over-brushing and tugging on them to calm them down. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized my hair wasn’t the problem, but my brain — all thanks to the beauty and supportive nature of the curly hair community.


Eating disorders can affect anyone, not just young women.

When people think of eating disorders, they often imagine a stick-thin woman comparing herself to models or Barbie dolls. We often fail to realize people of all body types struggle with eating disorders, including men. Parents worry about their daughters starving themselves but don’t think to check on their sons’ eating habits, despite the fact that one out of three people afflicted with an eating disorder is a man.


SG banquet: Mac and cheese, prayer and cowboys

Well, I made it into the Student Government banquet this year, and it was a rather interesting event. For starters, they dropped around $20,000 on a banquet and ended up drinking out of disposable plastic cups. They are humble people, aren’t they?

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Forget Hallmark holidays. Introducing: Instagram holidays

National Girlfriend Day. National Boyfriend Day. National Ex-Spouse Day. The list goes on and on. It seems to me that in recent times these “holidays” have grown in popularity thanks to the online societies unasked for and organic decision to use them as a reason to post. These are days when your feed is full of people posting about their significant others, whom they love and appreciate, but it has become an excuse to post a picture that you have had saved in your camera roll.

Photo by Blake Barlow on Unsplash

Do more responsibilities make us adults, or are we still figuring things out?

am not a history buff, but I imagine that in the past it was easy, or at least easier than today, to discern when a child became an adult. There were rituals, or rites of passage, that set clear limits. Plus, a child had to pass through those rituals much sooner in life than we do. My fiancee’s grandmother, for instance, was married at 18 years old and was a mother at 20. Marriage has often been considered a marker of adulthood. She and many others from her generation had, from our perspective, clipped childhoods and prolonged adulthoods.

My AirPods are fake, but they stand for something bigger

‘Fake’ is in the eye of the beholder.

Earlier this year, I wrote a column about how I owned a pair of fake AirPods. Well, I would like to write I have gotten a second pair that is much closer to the actual product. A trip online to an Asian wholesale website, a few extra dollars for express shipping and six days of waiting brought another pair of fake AirPods to my dorm. They came in a box with the same minimalist Apple style, a lightning cable that works for my phone and even some stamps. My first pair of imposters cost me $2 and were honestly a hassle. These fakes, however, have changed the game for me.

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