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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Columns

Florida Alligator

Respect for all women still not reality

I spent this past weekend in Las Vegas with my mom and a friend celebrating my 21st birthday. My social status as a young female has never proved so beneficial. I skipped hour-long lines, scooted my way into VIP areas and received free lap dances from Australian male strippers (no, seriously).

Florida Alligator

Celebrity news culture clouds issues

I might vomit if I see another popup window advertising links to images of Britney Spears' crotch. Unless that thing is housing a population about to vote in a presidential primary, I don't think it is important.

Florida Alligator

Think before voting on Amendment 1

"Taxes are the price we pay for civilization." That's what my macroeconomics professor would always say. As profound as it is obvious, this maxim relates a timeless, commonsense principle. But I must admit, it's a principle that I hadn't really thought about in great detail until hearing it in class.

Florida Alligator

Fertility science blurs idea of family

Having a rough day? Well, look on the bright side: At least you didn't find out that your new wife or husband is your twin, thus making your romance about as incestuous as is incestuously possible. Say that three times fast. I know that's ridiculous, but it also happens to be horrifyingly based on fact.

Florida Alligator

Coming of age brings new priorities

Do you ever reach a point in life you when you just know things have changed? Like one day, all of a sudden, you realize you're an adult? It's not like you start misplacing your keys or using phrases like "cool beans." It's this creepy onset of maturity that just smacks you in the soul. Age has overcome me. But I should be ready by now. I've been given almost 21 years to prepare.

Florida Alligator

Bush and Iran: Déjà vu all over again

As we venture into 2008, the déjà vu is becoming a bit ridiculous. Or perhaps what is really ridiculous is the reality that many citizens seem blissfully oblivious or inexplicably unconcerned about how the events of recent memory have paralleled almost perfectly with some from the past.

Florida Alligator

Harmless college fun will cost you later

If you still have not received your copy of the latest issue of "Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research" in the mail, allow me to give you an exciting sneak peek at what academics are doing to stem the advancing tide of beer in the United States. Get ready.

Florida Alligator

Hero or killer, Kevorkian visit brings up important issue

On Monday morning, June 4, 1990, Dr. Jack Kevorkian waited alone in his rusted Volkswagen van, parked at a remote campsite an hour outside Detroit. In the back, he'd rigged a makeshift bed next to a contraption that looked like a junior high shop project gone bad - three bottles dangling from hooks screwed into a piece of wood. Around 10 a.m., Kevorkian's two sisters arrived at the campsite with a 54-year-old woman from Portland, Ore., named Janet Adkins. Adkins, in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, had flown to Detroit the day before for her "appointment."

Florida Alligator

'Student-athlete' often an oxymoron

While high-school seniors all over the country are struggling to achieve nothing less than a 4.0 to get into their top-choice university, the star quarterback of their graduating class is receiving a full ride to wherever his heart desires. Admissions officers don't even glance at his grade point average.

Florida Alligator

Interest in Pakistan too little, too late

At last, another one of the Bush administration's foreign policy blunders has been placed under scrutiny: the protection of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf at all costs. I'm willing to bet that most Americans hadn't even heard Benazir Bhutto's name until she was assassinated, let alone had known that she was Pakistan's prime minister under a power-sharing agreement with Musharraf that the Bush administration orchestrated.

Florida Alligator

Machen shouldn't get bonus

So UF President Bernie Machen got almost ,300,000 in bonuses from the UF Foundation right before Christmas. It was approved by the UF Board of Trustees.

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