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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Friday's tragic shooting in Binghamton, N.Y., serves as yet another reminder to Americans across the country of the fragility of life.

In the wake of last week's events, media outlets continue to raise questions about the shooter speculating about his mindset to go through with such a sinister act. Rather, what should be talked about are the countless victims and the heartwarming stories about them that make the massacre at the American Civic Association even more devastating.

The 13 individuals who lost their lives on Friday hailed from eight different countries - a diverse group of people ranging from Pakistanis to Brazilians.

Take Dolores Yigal for instance, who attended English classes at the immigrant community center with hopes of mastering the language and furthering herself as a person. Another victim, Hong Xiu Mao, known by friends as "Amy," immigrated from China with hopes of becoming a United States citizen and achieving the American dream. Layla Khalil overcame three different car bombings in her homeland of Iraq before coming to America while in her 50s in an effort to start her life anew.

Lest we forget to make mention of the heroic efforts made by Shirley DeLucia, who had the wherewithal to play dead after being shot to make a phone call to inform authorities of the situation.

As details surrounding the lives of the 13 victims continue to come to light, the anecdotes and stories shared by loved ones will serve as a reminder of the ambition and optimism cut short by the selfish actions of one deeply troubled man.

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