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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Matt Michel and Dana Summerstein both wrote letters trashing the Independent Coalition.

Both of them failed to mention they were or are high-ranking officials in the Unite Party.

Michel was in the Student Senate for years. Summerstein was, at various times, an external affairs and public relations director in Student Government’s Cabinet.

Both Michel and Summerstein might not like the Independent Coalition’s message of shaking up SG to make it work for students, and they are entitled to their opinion.

But the way they attempted to pass themselves off as ordinary concerned students when they have a personal connection to the Unite Party is misleading and unethical.

If political hacks want to opine in the pages of the Alligator, they owe it to the student body to be upfront about their background.

I think Michel and Summerstein owe an apology to the student body for not being straight with us.

Editor's note: This letter refers to this letter and this letter.

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