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Sunday, October 06, 2024

Aquarius: This mercury in retrograde may be testing your self-control when it comes to spending your hard earned money as passionate Mars comes close to your money planet, Neptune. What will make this all the more challenging is Mercury in retrograde makes money matters unclear, so stay strong and hide your credit card.

Pisces: Communication is key for you as Mercury works against your career planet of Jupiter this week. Don’t be afraid to reiterate your ideas and plans in your work environment, so those around you are on the same page as you and your career goals. Mercury in retrograde causes miscommunications, so make sure you get your message clear to avoid trouble at work.

Aries: Fiery Aries may be immune to Mercury’s retrograde, as Saturn, your career planet, feeds off the fervent energy from your ruling planet, Mars. This will keep you on task and focused on any assignments due soon. But if Mercury’s movements get your plans all mixed up, calm your ambitious flame and wait it out.

Taurus: Like a bull in a china shop, Mercury affects the monetary planet of Jupiter. The retrograde ends April 16, which may seem far away but stand your ground and keep your eyes on the prize.

Gemini: Mercury in retrograde may do you some good, Gemini. As your ruling planet, Mercury moving backwards sends you into a reflective phase that may have you looking inward. Think about your ambitions and relationships as the retrograde slows everyone else down, giving you time to catch up mentally.

Cancer: You may be feeling a little slowed down as this year’s first retrograde comes into its second week. Jupiter, your planet of luck, works against Mercury later this week in a position that may give your communication some edge, and not in a good way.

Leo: You need to watch your spending habits this retrograde too. Mercury rules your financial zone, so make sure your rent, electricity and other bills are paid for to avoid paying unwanted late fees. This is especially important because you might be feeling confident and lucky as your ruling planet, the Sun, works against Jupiter.

Virgo: Just like Gemini, Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury. But unlike the air sign, you must communicate what you want to others during this retrograde. Your ruling planet of pleasure, Saturn, meets up with Mars making now the perfect time to speak your truth to others to find happiness within yourself.

Libra: A sign with admiration for harmony and details, now is the time to put those to work on yourself instead of others. You are known for being the diplomat of the signs, using your balancing energy to appease everyone you meet. But with this retrograde, it may be time to tidy up your personal life and pay attention to the details of your own life instead of others’.

Scorpio: This retrograde cannot slow you down, Scorpio. Watch out for financial troubles, but besides that you should be in the clear as one of your ruling planets, Mars, meets with dreamy Neptune to allow you to release the creative energy to let any of your ideas come alive.

Sagittarius: Mercury’s retrograde works hard, but Sagittarius works harder. Combat this retrograde’s tendency to making your home messy by going full Marie Kondo and tidying up your clutter. Your planet of action, Mars, meets with your ruling planet of domestic life, Neptune, to put the fire under your butt to get stuff done.  

Capricorn: Mercury’s retrograde may have you tripping over your own and others’ words. Jupiter rules your faith and as it works against Mercury, you may feel as if everything everyone says is about you. Just remember that not everyone is out to get you, and this will end.

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