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Saturday, July 27, 2024


Florida Alligator

Meyer coverage just what he wanted

Torture, brutality, injustice. These are only some of the words being used to describe Monday's spat. I had a lot of reservations to overcome in writing this, knowing full well that the reaction Meyer has received locally and nationally is right up his sadistic alley. For being a punk, he has become something of a martyr.

Florida Alligator

Defaced Wall embarrasses Gainesville

The tagging of the Dahlem memorial is one of the most disgusting acts of self-righteousness I have seen in my time spent at UF. I am embarrassed for the student body. This display of ignorance surely reflects poorly on the caliber of students at this university. As someone who disagrees with the actions of the University Police Department on Monday, I am appalled that students would take their frustrations out in such a disrespectful manner. Have your protests, make your signs, stand up for what you believe, but do so in a way that proves the young people of today aren't the self-righteous, spoiled punks with something to prove that we're made out to be. Stay classy, Gainesville.

Florida Alligator

Meyer should have obeyed Accent rules

Whatever all of this is, it isn't a debate about free speech. Accent shutting off Meyer's microphone violates free speech no more than your professor cutting you off in class. Just as a classroom discussion proceeds according to a protocol set by the teacher of hand-raising and turn-waiting, so too does a speech at an Accent-sponsored event follow a protocol set by the university: a protocol that stipulates, among other things, that questioners approach the microphone orderly, that they wait their turn to speak and that when and if they speak, they do so calmly and without profanity.

Florida Alligator

Meyer acted immaturely, inappropriately

After reading Thursday's Letters to the Editor about Tasergate, I must say kudos to the Alligator for allowing both sides to be heard and kudos to many in the student body for seeing the truth. I would think a telecommunication senior like Meyer would understand that it's not about what you say, but often about how you say it.

Florida Alligator

Meyer's 'biggest fan'

Meyer is no victim. I first came in contact with Meyer in fall 2004. Disgruntled that he was passed over and I was chosen as the Alligator's humor columnist that semester, he set about ranting about me on his personal Web site. He spent that semester dissecting my weekly columns and writing about what a horrible writer I was. He was my "biggest fan."

Florida Alligator

Taser incident not a free-speech issue

I was present for Meyer's incident and have to say that the police were 100 percent right in their actions. He was acting extremely aggressive and being very loud and disruptive, growing angry right from the beginning. He seemed to be almost provoking the officers as well. This was not in any way an issue of free speech. Mr. Meyer was not Tasered because of anything that he said. He was Tasered because he was violently resisting arrest. Contrary to rumors, he was not handcuffed while being Tasered. He was Tasered so he could be handcuffed. He was also given repeated warnings that if he did not calm down and comply with the officers, he would be Tasered.

Florida Alligator

UPD acted to protect speech attendees

Kudos to Kyle Cox on his commentary regarding UF student Andrew Meyer. Thank you for covering many points the media failed to address during their biased audio clips. Anyone who has viewed the full-length videos of the incident would have to admit there were multiple non-forceful steps taken prior to Tasering Meyer. These steps, although unsuccessful, included asking him to step away from the microphone, turning the microphone off, attempting to peacefully escort him out, attempting to secure and handcuff him and warning him prior to Tasering. The video also showed at the time of the Tasering, Meyer's left arm not secured behind his back, but rather stretched out where he was using it to brace himself in a clear attempt to resist arrest.

Florida Alligator

More people Tasered than Meyer

In light of the police report being released, I hope that people will realize that the Meyer Tasering incident was not about First Amendment rights. To say that a person who was able to ask a question even though the allotted question-and-answer time was over, who saw it fit that his questions were more important than the people ahead of him and was able to yell questions at Kerry for a good bit of time before he said "blowjob" was somehow robbed of his First Amendment rights is ridiculous. The police did not remove him for being too controversial or for asking the "tough questions" but for being a belligerent, petulant kid who had complete disregard for the established etiquette of a forum. He was disruptive, and it became clear after watching the video that he didn't really want answers from Kerry, just to stump him. Tasering him was not warranted, but removing him was. If people really want to be outraged about Tasering, they should read about the pregnant woman who was Tasered in her belly in Gainesville recently.

Florida Alligator

Defacing memorial crossed line

To the individuals who defaced the memorial to Lt. Corey Dahlem on the 34th Street Wall: Regardless about what you may believe about UPD's actions, you have crossed the line. By tagging the now infamous "Don't Tase me, bro!" over a memorial to a dedicated and upstanding officer, you covered up the most visible mark of an officer who exemplified how to protect and serve.

Florida Alligator

Police prevented possible harm

In regards to the Tasering incident on campus during the Kerry forum, the UPD officers acted appropriately in the handling of Meyer. Students and faculty quick to cry out that this was an injustice need to objectively look at this situation and realize Meyer caused the incident, not the police.

Florida Alligator

Immature student deserved Tasering

It never ceases to amaze me how liberals are able to cast any situation in a light that is beneficial to them; the most recent case in point being the infamous "Don't Tase me, bro" incident Monday on our campus. In the amount of time it takes to upload a shaky video on YouTube, the liberal talking points were already spelled out: Fascist police use force to squash free speech.

Florida Alligator

Meyer treated unfairly, despite officers' rights

I am very concerned by the apparent degradation of free expression, political debate and academic discourse at UF. I have been following from afar the discussions going on about the Accent Speakers Bureau. It's been troubling to learn that there are some who wish to censor and create vast oversight over the selection of speakers. I have always been proud to be a part of the world's largest student-run speakers bureau. Accent has more than 40 years of history and tradition in bringing insightful, challenging and sometimes even controversial laureates to speak to our students and community.

Florida Alligator

Tainted Paint

An anonymous e-mail sent to the Alligator around 4 a.m. Wednesday contained two photographs of two people clad in Guy Fawkes masks - most of us would recognize them from the movie "V for Vendetta."

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